Articles & Resources

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

There is no international or even nationally recognised reputable organisation which classifies or even certifies essential oils used in Aromatherapy practice as being of therapeutic grade.
Managing Anxiety – Try This Powerful Technique

Managing Anxiety – Try This Powerful Technique

Anxiety is a very real issue in today's society. Check out Moon Haven's "How To" video demonstrating Leonie's simple but highly effective technique that has helped hundreds manage their anxiety.
Irritant Contact Dermatitis OR Don’t Use A Body Wash If You Have Sensitive Skin

Irritant Contact Dermatitis OR Don’t Use A Body Wash If You Have Sensitive Skin

How can you treat dermatitis of the hands and fingers... Leonie explains how to combat this debilitating condition simply and effectively using self help techniques and one of Moon Haven's star products ...
Download the Eczema & Psoriasis Natural Treatment Fact Sheet

Download the Eczema & Psoriasis Natural Treatment Fact Sheet

                         Eczema & Psoriasis Psoriasis and eczema are the two most common skin conditions that we see at Moon Haven.Same, Same But DifferentWhile both are very different conditions the basic treatment is very similar.  It revolves around keeping the skin moisturised, soothed and avoiding irritation. Download our treatment fact sheet  for  information on our suggested regime and product recommendations.                               And of course we have a wonderful Eczema and Psoriasis Treatment Pack for those who need some heavy duty assistance! If you'd like more information or would like to discuss these conditions with our aromatherapist, please send us a message on facebook messenger ( call us on 1800 005 059.  We're here to help.      
Treating Dry, Mature & Sensitive Skin ...  Naturally

Treating Dry, Mature & Sensitive Skin ... Naturally

Hydrating dry mature skin can be difficult... especially if you don't have the right skin care regime. In this video Leonie talks about a simple skin care program that she recommends to many of her clients in their 40's, 50's and beyond. In fact she uses this exact same regime for her own skin. In summary Leonie recommends the following: The Routine: Cleanse morning and night with Herbal Cleansing Milk with Rose Geranium Moisturise daily with Moisture Cream with Rose GeraniumUse Moon Haven's Eye Cream with Calendula every day to soothe and moisturise the delicate area under your eyes..helps fight those aging wrinkles At night cleanse and then moisturise with Ultra Night Cream with Honey & Rosewood (Scroll down to see what Leonie considers to be her secret weapon for night time skin rejuvenation) Treatments: To refresh you skin (and uplift your soul) spray a little of one of our Facial Mists onto your face and throat.  Hydrates the skin and the scents are divine. Exfoliate once a week with our jojoba rich Moisturiisng Facial Scrub with Organic Clays Apply Facial Clay Mask with Sandalwood & Oats  once a week (Hint we recommend exfoliating and using a clay mask a few days apart. For example make it Exfoliating Fridays and Mask Mondays.  This helps the skin to settle between treatments and lowers the risk of sensitising your skin.) HINT: The Ultimate Skin care Pack contains all of the products we recommend above ... just select the Dry Mature Skin option The Secret: Leonie calls our Anti-Ageing SkinCare System her secret weapon. As she explains in the video: "This is a two part system  and is little bit more expensive than our Dry /Mature SkinCare range, but for me, this is the magic ingredient, the magic step in my personal anti-aging skincare regime. You apply the Bio Nutrient Gel  first. It contains all the water based ingredients, everything from wheat amino acids, aloe vera gel, carrot seed, a little bit of squalene. But it's the wheat amino acids, I think, that are the magic in this one, because they are the proteins that our skin needs to boost itself. It's just wonderful. The gel works like a skin plumping  mechanism. So it plumps up all your wrinkles and creases, or sleep creases and things like that. It's wonderful. As soon as gelgoes on, I immediately put on our Age Defying Serum. So whereas the bio nutrient gel is water based, this is the oil based part of the system. We apply this on top of the gel. What happens is that the two ingredients work together. In this Age Defying Serum I have formulated it with wonderful lipids, the oil based ingredients, things like the olive squalene, which is one of the wonder nutrient ingredients of the modern anti-aging world. It's such a fine molecule. It goes right down to where the fibroblasts are. I talked to you about that before where the collagen and elastin is made. And it helps to activate them. The Sqalene is's a delivery system for all the nutrients. We're using lots of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin B in this as well. These are these things our skin needs to remain healthy and youthful. And because we're leaving this combination  on our skin overnight, it has a longer time to  soak into the skin and actually be useful to it as the body repairs and regenerates while you sleep. Of course, we're using all the precious beautiful oils in this serum  like evening primrose, rose hip, apricot kernel, jojoba oils and those types of gorgeous ingredients. So I highly recommend using the antiAgeing SkinCare System  least every second night (alternating with our night cream). Or, if you're like me, I prefer to use it every night, and to get the results that I'm getting with my skin.    
Frankincense – Essential Oil Monograph, Benefits & Uses

Frankincense – Essential Oil Monograph, Benefits & Uses

Find out what frankincense essential oil is best used for, what is blends well with and read the monograph. Plus you'll find some great formulas and recipes to get the best out of this oil

When Can You Use The Labour of Love Essential Oils in Pregnancy?

Yes ... You can use our Labour of Love Essential Oils - Prelude and In The Moment)anytime during pregnancy, birth and beyond. They're safe... designed especially for you at this amazing time in you and your family's life. We recommend using the Prelude essential oil blend when you want to relax and the In The Moment essential oil blend when you are wanting more energy and inspiration.. This also helps if you feel a bit nauseous or just flagging and tired.
10 Ways to Use Thieves Oil Blend

10 Ways to Use Thieves Oil Blend

if you would like to make your own Thieves Oil blend, here is a simple 5 oil recipe that you can make at home plus we give you 10 effective ways you can use it to benefit family and friends

Rose Geranium Oil – Recipes, Properties & More

Rose Geranium Oil is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic ,detoxifying, and it has the wondrous ability to balance all skin types making it one of the premier anti-ageing essential oils.

Eucalyptus Australiana – Essential Oil Monograph

 Each month I like to pass on the essential oil monograph for the oil we're discussing. Each monograph  lists the lists the various aspects and properties of the oil.  If you collect these each month you'll end up with a comprehensive guide to the common essential oils. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus radiata Plant Part: Woods and [...]

Oils Ain’t Oils – Pure and Standardised Essential Oils

A pure, natural essential oil is just that…the extract of the volatile, aromatic compounds from botanical material by any of a variety of extraction methods and processes. The differences arise when we talk about how the oil is handled and formulated after extraction. There are two distinctly different types of essential oils on the market today. Pure and Standardised

What’s in our Bio Nutrient Anti-Aging Gel?

Why is our Anti-Aging Bio-Nutrient Facial Gel so effective? It's packed to the brim with 8 Anti-Aging, wrinkle defying active ingredients In fact the anti-ageing active ingredients make up an amazing 98.8% of this incredible gel…

Why 2 steps are better than 1 when it comes to Anti-Aging Skin Care.

TA Da... we decided to formulate two anti-ageing products that work hand in hand - - one water based gel filled to the brim with water soluble anti-aging extracts and botanicals - we call it our BioNutrient Facial Gel -one oil based formulation choc full of all the wonderful botanical lipid based ingredients - our Age Defying Serum

Cracked Heels Repair – Kat’s Soothing Salve Review

Googling around the internet we found this wonderful Moon Haven Review and recommendation for our cracked heel treatment regime. Thank you Kat for taking the time to blog about us. Kat wrote My take? If you are suffering from super dry skin, especially cracked heels, I reckon this is your answer! It is suggested to [...]

Essential Oil Monograph – Lemon Oil

 Monograph – Lemon Essential Oil Lemon Oil – expressed from the rind of the fruit Botanical Name: Citrus limonum Plant Part: Fruit Peel Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Origin: Italy, Australia Properties: Lemon is a known cleanser, with antiseptic, anti-viral and and anti-bacterial properties. It is refreshing, cooling and uplifting. Colour: Light yellow Consistency: [...]

The Perfect Introduction to Aromatherapy – Moon Haven’s Aromatherapy Starter Pack

The Perfect Introduction to the Wonders of Aromatherapy In this video, Leonie shows us how to make the most of the eight essential oils in Moon Haven's Aromatherapy Starter Pack. She also demonstrates how to make an uplifting EO blend for your bath and why its imperative to use milk when you [...]

NEW Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide

Grab you copy of the Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide NEW Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide Hot off the press... from Leonie's keyboard... is our latest Fact Sheet - Moon Haven's Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide. This simple guide will explain: How you can use essential oils in your life...everyday The different application methods- from bath [...]

Bubble Bath Test

Bubble Bath Test Leonie tests our NEW Bubble bar Slices to see just how many bubbles they make. Just 1/3 of a slice makes a wonderfully bubbly bubble bath. The secret is to really smoosh the bubble bar under running water and then splish splash around in the bath - the bubbles [...]

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Tea Tree- Nature's Disinfectant After Lavender, Tea tree is one of the most recognised and widely used essential oils.  With a multitude of uses it is one oil everyone should have in their cupboard. Australia’s own tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) contains at least 48 different organic compounds. Part of the magic [...]