Salves and Rubs
only the purest, potent herbs, botanicals and raw materials.
our moonies have relied on moon haven salves and rubs for assistance for over 20 years
9 products
9 products
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Boost the effectiveness of your St John's Wort & Calendula Rub (SJWAC) with our Achy Breaky Essential Oil Blend
- St John's Wort & Calendula Rub 65ml
- Achy Breaky Essential Oil Blend 10ml
- SJWAC Booster fact sheet
- muscle recovery
- sports injuries
- arthritis
- inflammation
- period cramps and pain
3 amazing herbal helpers for every house hold
Universal Herbal Ointment - first aid kit in a jar
St John's Wort & Calendula Rub - for body aches & pains
Soothing Salve - soothe cracked heels & dry skin
Save when you buy in a bundle
Kit includes:
St Johns Wort & Calendula Rub - for back pain and helping to ease the early stages of labour
Calendula Salve - to assist with Perinenal Massage, conditioning nipples and even for use on your new babe's bottom!
- Prelude Essential Oil Birth Blend - to calm the anxious mind during pregnancy and the early stages of labour
In the Moment Essential Oil Birth Blend - to help activate and focus on the birth process as it progresses into transition and later stages.
New Mums love this collection of Moon Haven goodies.
Each item has been carefully selected by Laura... in fact she first put the pack together for her own pregnancy and the birth of her gorgeous babe, Finnley.
Welcoming a new baby into the world is exciting - but it can be daunting all at the same time. That's where our Oh Baby Pack is so wonderful.
Each product helps the new family work through an issue. Calendula salve is fantastic to help soothe chapped nipples, babies bottoms, episiotomy scars.
Uplift Pulse Point Potion helps to lift mood
Massaging with our Moisturising Body Oil with Calendula is wonderful for soothing a fractious baby and calm mum's nerves, while Billie Be Good Goats milk Soap is the perfect first soap for a newborn.
This kit contains:
Moisturising Body Oil
Calendula Salve -soothing salve
Billie Be Good Goats Milk Soap
Uplift Pulse Point Potion
Information sheet
Traditionally the herb Calendula (calendula officinalis) has been used to soothe distressed skin, calm scar tissue, and heal wounds. From newborn to frail aged, face to intimate areas - Calendula is really a wonder herb.
We always recommend Calendula Salve to the new mother as it is fantastic for helping with nappy rash, stretch marks, sore nipples and even episiotomy scars.
This gentling salve is also great for those very dry flaky areas on your face. Safe enough to use even on eyelids, it will help reduce the redness and irritation often associated with eczema and rosacea
Watch our founder Leonie talk about the benefits of our calendula salve here
Soothes distressed skin
Brilliant for babies - nappy rash, chaffed skin, skin dryness
Helps reduce the redness of rosacea & rash
wonderful for helping soothe eczema, psoriasis & dermatitis
- Fantastic for new mums - sore nipples, episiotomy scars, stretch marks etc
Calendula is noted for being an:
- anti-inflammatory
wound healer
scar reducer
skin soother
A very simple herbal salve used by our clients to assist with easing the itching and discomfort of heavy duty skin problems like eczema, psoriasis & dermatitis.
It is vitally important to soothe those areas of the skin that are irritated and itchy.
We have a growing number of testimonials for this wonderful salve from people suffering from these conditions.
Watch our founder Leonie explain the benefits of our chickweed & plantain salve here
Chickweed helps to soothe itchy skin
Plantain assists to calm distressed skin - reducing heat & inflammation
Effective assistance for eczema, psoriasis & dermatitis
Gentle enough to use on large patches of skin - a little goes a long long way
Watch our founder Leonie talk about the benefits of soothing salve here
Helps to soothe:
distressed skin from psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema
cracked heels and assists with restoring smooth skin
ideal for hands, feet, elbows, knees.
This herbal rich natural salve is:
Deeply moisturising
Uses herbs to help soften and heal skin
Essential oils to calm inflammation, reduce redness
Loved by moonies everywhere.
One of our most popular products.
For those aching muscles and joints. Leonie formulated this aromatherapy and herbal based salve to help deal with the muscular aches and pains of Fibromyalgia.
A herb-rich essential oil infused, non-mentholated muscle rub that helps to calm and soothe stressed muscles and joints.
With St Johns Wort, Calendula and a range or essential oils for stimulating circulation and helping with inflammation. SJWAC would have to be one of our most remarked upon products. Our clients are telling us that they find SJWAC is amazing for soothing arthritic, muscular and joint pain.
We have had numerous reports of people finding this herbal rub has helped in conditions where little else has. They are also amazed at how little needs to be applied to obtain relief
Soothes stressed and injured muscles
Helps to clam inflammation
Apply underclothes - dripless massage medium
Low odour
Moonies find SJWAC helpful for:
Body inflammation
Body aches and pains
Sport injuries
Period cramps & pain
Easing headaches (apply to shoulders and back of the neck)
A soothing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral healing salve for life's bumps and bites
Watch our founder Leonie talk about the benefits of our universal herbal ointment here!
helps calm and soothe:
insect bites,
cold sores,
small burns,
chapped lips
...and so much more