3% Essential Oil Dilutions
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Jasmine is an exquisite floral scent. At 3% dilution it is wonderful, strong, potent. Applied directly to the skin, the scent will stay with you throughout the day.
Jasmine is known for the following:
Assists with calming the anxious mind
Promotes optimism & positive thoughts
Aphrodisiac qualities
Rejuvenates skin, anti-ageing
This uplifting scent from the flowers of the Bitter Orange tree, is wonderful for all ages and stages to calm, inspire and comfort
Neroli oil is regarded as one of the most effective sedative and antidepressant remedies, and is recommended for the treatment of insomnia and states of anxiety and depression.
- May helps with anxiety
- Calming to the mind and body
- Inspires the spirit
- Encourages relaxation
Australian Sandalwood Essential Oil 3% in Jojoba Oil may assist with:
- calming the mind
- deepening your meditation experience
- settling problem and sensitised skin
- as gentle aphrodisiac
- added to moisture creams to enhance their anti-ageing properties
Affordable for Everyday Use
By offering essential oils/absolutes like Rose, Sandalwood and Roman Chamomile diluted in pure Jojoba Oil our moonies can experience the beauty and work with these amazing oils on a daily basis.
- the go-to oil for assisting with female hormone and cycle issues
- uplifting, gentling and soothing to the mind and body.
- can be helpful in times of stress and anxiety
- particularly helpful at times of bereavement & grief
Affordable for Everyday Use
By offering essential oils/absolutes like Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Neroli and Roman Chamomile diluted in pure Jojoba Oil our moonies can experience their beauty and work with these amazing oils on a daily basis.
At Moon Haven we are always looking for ways to make aromatherapy as accessible to our moonies as possible.
So when it came to including the most exquisite essential oils we just knew that Roman Chamomile was a must have.
We've long used this pure essential oil in our Deep Sleep and Meditate Pulse Point Potions with great effect.
This oil is wonderful for helping with everything from sensitised skin- think rosacea, calming the anxious mind, to diffusing anger and stress in the work place
is calming for mind and body
fantastic for helping to deal with stress
may be useful for sleep issues - both falling and staying asleep
a wonderful oil to use to help with anxiety and anger