Pure Essential Oils
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Bergamot Pure Essential Oil is wonderful for helping to calm the mind. \Wonderful for workplaces where there is tension and dissent to assist with calming emotions and bring a sense of optimism into the atmosphere. Bergamot's light citrussy scent is calming yet uplifting.
It has been known to help with
soothing an anxious mind
promoting optimism and positive thoughts
helping to balance problem skin
de-stressing the body through massage
used extensively in perfumery
Warning!! Bergamot pure essential oil may be photosensitising to sensitive skin. Do not apply undiluted to the skin or with 12 hours of the skin being exposed to sunlight.
An essential oil to help warm up blends and promote circulation. Should be as an accent in blends and not used at concentrations of greater than 0.5%
- helps to energise
- diffuse to boost confidence
- diffuse to promote clear communication
- excellent as a warming oil in a muscle rub blend at low concentrations
- helps to promote circulation in massage blends
Botanical Name: Piper nigrum 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
With warm, sweet balsamic notes, Cedarwood atlas is often called the poor mans sandalwood. While this may be the case Cedarwood has devotees in its own right.
- calming for the mind & body
- helps to de-stress & relax
- lovely masculine scent for perfumery
- gently grounding during times of heightened activity
- promotes tranquility , sleep & peacefulness
Botanical name: Cedrus atlantica 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
While it may be the scent of Christmas - Cinnamon bark oil is a powerful protectant and antibacterial.
Warming in massage oil blends when well diluted
encouraging, energising for the body & mind
strongly antibacterial
brings a sense of comfort & security when diffused
Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylancium10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Clary sage has long been a favourite when dealing with women’s issues. From painful periods to menopause
Not only has it been traditionally used for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, it’s also wonderful for a number of women’s health issues. It’s even considered by some to be an aphrodisiac.
Always welcome in a sleep potion for it's soporific effects. Wonderful to assist with anxiety and stress issues.
the go to oil for women's hormonal issues
helpful for painful periods
may assist with sleep
Whole Clove Esential Oil has been sed in dentistry for many years for its powerful antibacterial and anaesthetic properties it has many uses in modern aromatherapy.
- mentally stimulating
- strong disinfectant, anti-viral & antifungal
- has an anaesthetic effect on gums when diluted in carrier oil
- warming element when well diluted in massage oil
- can assist with digestive issues
- may help with memory issues
Botanical name: Eugenia caryophyllata 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Chosen for its sweet scent, gentle yet highly potent effect, Eucalyptus Australiana is wonderful for everyone in the family.
Eucalyptus Radiata is commonly known as “narrow-leaved Peppermint”. The young trees have oval bluish-green leaves while the mature trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark.
gentle yet highly effective - suitable for use with children
respiratory conditions
muscle recovery
antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal
Botanical Name: Eucalyptus radiata 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Known as the “King of Essential Oils” Frankincense is known for its anti-ageing and skin rejuvenating properties and is often used in the management of scars.
It is also wonderful for grounding and enhancing the meditative experience as well as assisting with respiratory conditions
When in doubt use Frankincense, it's that versatile!
From anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties to calming agitated minds and deepening meditative experiences - Frankincense is an amazing essential oil.
With a warm, spicy and woody scent base this very pleasant, precious essential oil has been revered by many cultures throughout the ages.
Ginger Essential Oil has earned the nickname "The Oil of Empowerment" for the feeling of confidence that it is known to inspire.
- Warming - stimulating
Helps with nausea - travel & morning sickness
Supports digestion
Stimulates the circulation/ muscles
Promotes a sense of 'can do'
Note: This oil takes time to show its true scent. While at first smell this oil is very pungent and not at all like freshly crushed ginger- dilute it down, let the oil warm and disperse and the subtle ginger scents will become evident. It's truly worth the wait.
The grapefruit tree was originally from Asia. It is now grown and harvested in the United States, France, Brazil and Israel. The Grapefruit tree itself is a large, shiny gloss-leaved tree, about 10 meters (30 feet) high, with white flowers and large, pale yellow fruit.
Massaging with a carrier oil containing grapefruit oil has been shown to assist in lymphatic drainage and dealing with cellulite. It helps to sooth and uplift the mind as well as clarify the skin.
- promotes healthy skin
- uplifts and clarifies the mind
- can be helpful with lymphatic drainage
- a good addition to a cellulite massage blend
Botanical Name: Citrus paradisi 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Warning!! Grapefruit oil is considered photosensitising. Do not expose skin to sunlight within 12 hours of application.
Sacred Juniper berry essential oil is purifying, soothing and assists with clarity of mind. A juniper berry is the female seed cone produced by the various species of junipers. It is not a true berry but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which give it a berry-like appearance. The berries are green when young, and mature to a purple-black color over about 18 months.
helps to create sacred spaces in ritual
may help with nightmares & unsettled sleep
beneficial action on sore muscles
assists with clarity of mind
Botanical Name: Juniperus communis 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Lavender is the most used essential oil in aromatherapy today. It can be used for so many things from relaxation, relieving stress to treating wounds and calming inflammation.
What are the benefits of high altitude distilled lavender?
The benefits of this oil over other lavender oils grown and distilled at sea level, is that it contains higher concentrations of Lynalyl Acetate - the compound responsible for the relaxing qualities found in lavender oil.
That means that our high altitude lavender essential oil is wonderfully relaxing! The most popular and arguably the most versatile essential oil. Every household should have this on hand.
At Moon Haven our standard lavender oil (Lavendula angustifolia) is anything but ordinary.
You see, we have chosen to offer a deeply relaxing, a high altitude grown and distilled "Mont Blanc" lavender essential oil as our standard offering.
Pure Lavender Essential Oil (Lavendula angustifolia) 10 ml
Generally speaking, true Lavender Essential Oil is best suited for use in calming anxiety and stress or promoting sleep.
Spike Lavender Essential Oil, on the other hand, is much better suited for use as an expectorant and for easing aches and pains.
Emotionally, Spike Lavender Essential Oil is more energizing and stimulating than is true Lavender Essential Oil. It promotes concentration and focus more than does true Lavender Essential Oil.
- Used to assist with muscle aches and pains
- Use for colds and chest conditions
- Can help with focus and concentration
- Better expectorant, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties than traditional lavender (L. angustifolia)
Uplifting, energising, cleansing - Fresh, zesty Lemon Essential Oil is a must have in every household.
helps to focus the mind
stimulates the digestive & circulatory systems
effective wart remover
helps to improve mood
antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral
fantastic in cleaning products
Botanical Name: Citrus limonum 10ml = approx 200 drops
Warning!! Lemon oil is considered photosensitising. Do not expose skin to sunlight within 12 hours of application.
With around 99% citral, Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil is the most lemony of lemon scents available.
assistance with respiratory conditions
assistance with sinus issues
Botanical Name: Backhousia citriodora 10ml = approx 200 drops
Lime is a small evergreen tree that produces a small, bitter fruit very similar to Lemon. The fruits themselves are green in color with a green fleshy interior.
Lime is wonderful for helping with exhaustion of the body & mind, refreshes and stimulates
- refreshes the mind
- assists with fatigue
- disinfectant, de-congestant
- helps stimulate appetite
- clarifies oily skin
Botanical Name: Citrus aurantifolia 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Warning!! Lime oil is considered photosensitising. Do not expose skin to sunlight within 12 hours of application.
A member of the orange family, mandarin trees are smaller than orange trees with small leaves and fruits.
Considered the gentle essential oil, Mandarin is wonderful for children and the very sensitive.
gently uplifting
may help with anxiety
helpful for digestive issues
Botanical Name: Citrus reticulata 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Sweet Orange oil is one of nature's wonders - bringing joy and openness everywhere it goes. Sweet Orange is derived from an evergreen tree. The fruit itself has a sweet pulp with no bitter membrane.
uplifting - useful to lift mood
calming to the mind and body
encourages enthusiasm
may assist with digestive issues
Botanical name: Citrus sinensis 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Our moonies love patchouli oil for its spicy complexity and ability to add depth and lasting power to essential oil blends.
Deep, sultry and complex, Patchouli oil is one of those fragrances that leaves an impression. We have so many moonies who use patchouli essential oil as the basis for their personal perfume it's crazy.
Patchouli is a very fragrant herb with soft oval leaves and square stems. It grows from 2 to 3 feet in height.
History: One interesting point is that patchouli was used to scent fabric and cloth sent form India to Europe and so the scent was associated with the Far East. Another is that in the Flower Power era patchouli was used to hide the scent of Marijuana...quite unsuccessfully I am told by reliable sources...as where there was a whiff of patchouli in the air then our officers of law and order would immediately look for drug use!
may help with unbalanced skin issues
useful in anti-ageing blend
helps to still the mind in meditation
base note to add lasting power to essential oil blends/perfumes
helps to repair & smooth skin
emotionally balancing & grounding
Botanical Name: Pogostemon cablin 10ml = approx 150 drops
Note: if patchouli it too thick to pour from the bottle's dripolator, use a toothpick to help dispense the oil
A high menthol peppermint oil that is wonderful for all things to do with the respiratory system, helping with impaired muscles and body pain..
sinus issues
helpful with opening of airways
may help with easing headaches
can assist with muscle fatigue & soreness
uplifting, invigorating, opening
Botanical Name: Mentha arvensis 10ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Petitgrain is a gentle oil that helps to soothe the mind - maintain a balanced view of life and keep everyday stresses at bay.
Petitgrain bigarde is native to Southeast Asia. The tree now grows throughout the Mediterranean and sub-tropic areas worldwide. The bitter orange tree that provides the Petitgrain Essential Oil is also the source of Bitter Orange Oil and Neroli Oil.
- engenders a sense of peace
- helps with anxiety
- gently uplifts
- helps to calm frayed nerves
- assists in normalising unbalanced skin types
Botanical Name: Petitgrain bigarde 10ml bottle = approx. 200 drops
This evergreen tree can grow up to 40 meters (130 feet) and has a flat crown. The bark is a reddish-brown that is deeply fissured with needle-like gray-green leaves that grow in pairs, orange-yellow flowers, and pointed brown cones.
Commonly called Pine or Scotch Pine oil, is wonderful for assisting with respiratory issues, muscles aches, household cleaning as well as evoking all things Christmas in your home.
Pine oil may be helpful for:
- anti-inflammatory - assists with aches & pains
- respiratory assistance - breathing issues
- expectorant - can be helpful with clearing lungs
- helps combat fatigue
Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestrus 10m bottle = approx 200 drops
Noted for its ability to help balance emotions, hormones and the mind - Rose Geranium oil is a powerful addition to any aromatherapy collection.
The oil may assist with:
hormone balance
evening out emotions
soothing the mind at times of stress
encouraging romance
skin issues such as dehydration & premature ageing
Botanical Name: Pelargoneum graveolens sp. roseum 10 ml bottle = approx 200 drops
Multipurpose essential oil that should be in every aromatherapy collection.
An evergreen shrub with numerous branches; ash-colored scaly bark and leathery, thick leaves, which are lustrous and dark green above, and white underneath.
Rosemary essential oi is noted as a mental stimulant - memory especially, encouraging healthy hair, normalising excessive oil secretions, easing muscle pain and spasm, and assist with the treatment of cellulite. Psychologically it lifts the spirits, sharpens the mind and helps overcome depression and stress.
enhances memory
helps to maintain focus
assists with easing body aches
hair tonic
assists with sinus & respiratory issues
Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis 10ml botte = approx 200 drops
Moon Haven is proud to offer this high quality natural blend Rosewood oil.
Natural Blend oils allow our moonies to enjoy the beautiful aroma of Rosewood without harming this critically endangered species. (see below for more info)
This oil helps to promote:
a deep sense of wellbeing
wonderful as a part of an anti-ageing skincare regime
Rosewood is a small evergreen tree now controlled as an endangered species by the Government of Brazil. It has a reddish bark and heartwood.
As with all of our oils, we ethically source our products and so have chosen to source a natural blend as our Rosewood oil offering.
Spearmint Essential Oil is a somewhat more subtle oil than peppermint because it contains significantly less menthol, but can be used for similar fragrance applications. I especially enjoy incorporating Spearmint Oil into blends intended for easing headaches or stress.
Noted for its wonderfully uplifting and gentle, encouraging scent, Spearmint Essential Oil is wonderful for children and those looking for a milder mint experience.
Spearmint essential oil may help with :
helping to gentle aggressive mood
headaches & stress issues
digestive issues
respiratory problems
nausea, motion sickness
helping to focus the mind
100% Pure Spearmint Essential Oil (Mentha spicata) 10 ml = approx 200 drops
Many of our moonies prefer this wonderfully scented oil over traditional tea tree - with its gorgeous citrussy scent and gentler action.
Tea Tree Lemon comes from a hardy, bushy shrub with fine narrow leaves and small white to pink flowers.
This wonderfully versatile oil may assist with:
boosting mood
helping to focus the mind
clarity of mind when problem solving
10ml bottle - approximately 200 drops
History: The aboriginal people of Australia have long used Tea tree oil; similarly, Tea tree has a long history of use within the field of aromatherapy. In World War Two, the producers and the cutters of Tea Tree were exempt from military service until enough essential oil had been accumulated. The oil was a highly valued product as it was issued to each soldier and sailor as part of their kit in order to treat tropical infections and infected wounds.
antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory
strong disinfectant qualities
assists with purifying air when diffused
immune system stimulant
diffuse at times of sickness and infection
can be helpful in treating wounds when diluted
Best known as a very powerful immune stimulant and antibacterial. It can help to fight all three categories of infectious organisms (Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses). Used in vapor therapy, Tea Tree oil can help with colds, sinusitis and viral infections. For skin and hair, Tea Tree has been used to combat acne, oily skin, head lice and dandruff.
Hailed by aromatherapists and herbalists as a potent natural antiseptic, Thyme Oil exudes an intensely fresh, spicy, herbaceous scent that can be reminiscent of the fresh herb.
Thyme Oil serves as an aromatic stimulant and tonic that cleanses the air, eases respiration, and strengthens the body and spirit. It is also popular in cosmetic, personal care, and some perfumery applications, and is used in the manufacturing of mouthwashes, soaps, skin care products, and disinfectants.
The ancients used thyme for spiritual protection and assisting with facing fears
Now days Thyme is helpful for:
- supporting a healthy immune system
- maintaining focus
- dealing with nervous exhaustion
- spiritual protection
100% Pure Thyme Essential Oil (Thymus vulgaris) 10 ml
Note: Thyme oil is extremely potent and can burn sensitive skin, it should not be applied undiluted directly onto skin unless directed by your medical practitioner. If you find that your skin is irritated after application dilute with any oil you can find in the pantry.
Vetiver deep, smoky scent is wonderfully grounding and helpful at times of grief, stress and sleeplessness.
Vetiver essential oil is derived from the complex white root system of a grass used in India and Sri Lanka for the creation of woven matting.
Vetiver has been known to assist with:
dealing with stress
at times of grief
calming emotions
insomnia and sleeplessness
Note: If vetiver is too thick to pour - dip a toothpick into the bottle to get the desired amount of oil