Soothes cracked heels & skin

"Finally a foot cream that works!"
- Katrina Hunter, Perth

Best For
How To


Watch our founder Leonie talk about the benefits of soothing salve here

Helps to soothe:

  • distressed skin from psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema

  •  cracked heels and assists with restoring smooth skin

  • ideal for hands, feet, elbows, knees.

This herbal rich natural salve is:

  • Deeply moisturising

  • Uses herbs to help soften and heal skin

  • Essential oils to calm inflammation, reduce redness

  • Suitable for all ages to help soothe and repair

Soothing Salve on your heels and feet. Instructions below or watch Leonie walk you through it here

Restore your feet in 7 Days:
1. Before your shower or bath file back the rough edges of your heals with a pedicure file (or pumice stone while in the shower)
2. After your shower apply a small amount (and we mean small!) to each heel and foot, massaging well into the skin. (Hint: use the provided popstick like a butter knife and scrape out the salve rather than chunking it out- this softens the salve and makes it much easier to apply)
3. Allow the oils to sink in for at least 10 to 20 minutes. If there is any oily residue after this time then you have applied too much to your skin. 
This is not harmful... only wasteful and the excess oil may rub off on your bed sheets.
To remedy just take a towel and remove the excess... and apply a little less the next night.
Maintenance: To maintain, just repeat the above once a week.

Sunflower Oil, Olive Oil, Beeswax, Calendula, Chamomile, Elder Flower, Gotu Kola, Lavender, St. John's Wort, Wild Yam Herbal Extracts, Essential Oils


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I remember as a child getting out our home made foot emery board (made from sandpaper glued to a strip of plywood) and sawing away at my mother's heels, slathering them in Pond's cream and hoping for the best. Her feet were as tough as old boots and as dry and cracked as ancient leather.

Getting Mum's feet to any form of acceptable softness was almost impossible. Unfortunately I inherited both her penchant for going barefoot... and her thickened skin on soles and heels. I was facing the same lifelong battle as she did. So being an inquisitive sort I decided that there had to be a better way.

The team and I hit the herb room - found a lovely combination of infused Wild Yam, Elderflower, Chamomile and other soothing, softening herbs- added in some healing and anti inflammatory essential oils - and combined all of this with honey rich natural beeswax. 

The herbal concoction  worked a treat on my heels.  

So we shared a few jars around to family and friends.  Not only did they love it but their dry, scaly and cracked skin improved in a matter of days.

So many uses
Not only did they love what the salve did for their feet - but they reported back that it was fantastic for:

  • dermatitis on their hands,
  • the rough patches on elbows and knees...
  • in fact anywhere that their skin was a bit distressed or uneven.

That was good enough for us.

Soothing Salve has become a very firm moonie  favourite at the moon haven cottage for over 20 years. 
Leonie of moon haven (founder & formulator)


Plagued by body pain, headaches, and skin issues from her autoimmune condition, our founder Leonie, refused to suffer in silence. When nothing worked, she turned to nature. Blending herbs and oils to create products that truly made a difference. Word spread, and Moon Haven was born.


Nature knows best. At Moon Haven, we take our cues from her. We harness the power of wildcrafted plants, organic herbs, pure plant oils, clays, and seeds to create products that are not only effective but delight the senses and soothe the soul.


We do what we do because of moonies like you. Your enthusiasm, support, and love for our products fuel our passion every day. We couldn’t do this without you, and we wouldn’t want to. Whether it’s answering your questions or creating products that truly make a difference. We’re here to help.

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Lilian R. (Perth, AU)
Best cream for dry heels

It's amazing. Was gifted the ointment by my son. I've spent so much on creams, foot mask but don't see much improvement. This cream is magical! Used for only few days, already see such improvement. Smells good too. Strongly recommend

Great Salve - Many Uses

I am a gardener & am always getting scratched by rose thorns & bitten by unseen bugs & insects. I find this Soothing Salves takes the sting & itch out of the bites & allows the scratches to heal quickly without becoming infected.

I have sensitive skin & am prone to patches of dermatitis & eczema & Soothing Salve relieves the itching & discomfort when I have a flare up.

A little bit goes a long way.

I highly recommend.

Jodi R. (Subang Jaya, MY)
Miracle foot salve

Have been using this gorgeous salve for about 15 years. It really is a miracle for feet and heels, I use any excess on cuticles, elbows and around toes. Smells gorgeous too. I always purchase for gifts, it is one of my fave products.

Anonymous (Perth, AU)
Soothing eczema

This salve has been great for my daughter that has eczema. Helps soothe and with dryness too.