I remember as a child getting out our home made foot emery board (made from sandpaper glued to a strip of plywood) and sawing away at my mother's heels, slathering them in Pond's cream and hoping for the best. Her feet were as tough as old boots and as dry and cracked as ancient leather.
Getting Mum's feet to any form of acceptable softness was almost impossible. Unfortunately I inherited both her penchant for going barefoot... and her thickened skin on soles and heels. I was facing the same lifelong battle as she did. So being an inquisitive sort I decided that there had to be a better way.
The team and I hit the herb room - found a lovely combination of infused Wild Yam, Elderflower, Chamomile and other soothing, softening herbs- added in some healing and anti inflammatory essential oils - and combined all of this with honey rich natural beeswax.
The herbal concoction worked a treat on my heels.
So we shared a few jars around to family and friends. Not only did they love it but their dry, scaly and cracked skin improved in a matter of days.
So many uses
Not only did they love what the salve did for their feet - but they reported back that it was fantastic for:
- dermatitis on their hands,
- the rough patches on elbows and knees...
- in fact anywhere that their skin was a bit distressed or uneven.
That was good enough for us.
Soothing Salve has become a very firm moonie favourite at the moon haven cottage for over 20 years.
Leonie of moon haven (founder & formulator)