Articles & Resources

Combination Skin and How to Care For It
What Combination Skin Looks Like:
Combination skin is skin that consistently has both dry and oily areas.
Often this means that your cheeks are look dry/dull/flaky with fine pores and you have an oily T-zone ... i.e you have a shiny forehead, nose and chin where the pores are larger.
What Combination Skin Feels Like:
While your cheeks may feel tight, warm ad dry your forehead, nose and or cheeks will feel a little slick, greasy even oily.
What Causes Combination Skin?
Combination skin is just that ... two types of skin in the one face.
We often see people with combination skin when they are transitioning from oily to dry skin. This especially occurs after a change in hormones. Eg Puberty, pregnancy, starting or stopping oral contraceptives (The Pill) and menopause.
How To Care For Combination Skin:
Jut because you have combination skin doesn't mean that you have two completely different sets of skincare to separately care for the dry and oily areas of your skin'
Cleanse and Exfoliate Gently:
No matter you skin type gentle cleansing is all that is required so please throw out any harsh bubble forming cleansers as well as drying alcohol based toners.
Using a mild but effective cleansers and hydrating toners is so very important - see below for our recommendations
Because your skin has oil laden areas as well as dry patches you will want to keep any exfoliation to a minimum. The last thing you need is to overstimulate the oil and distress the dry patches.
A gentle exfoliator like our Moisturising Facial Scrub is ideal for use with combination skin.
Moisturise Lightly:
Moisturising your skin is a little trickier when you have combination skin.
Your oily areas need only light moisturisation while your drier areas may need a little more attention.
For many people with combination skin they will get away with using a light moisturiser for the whole face - just applying a little more to the drier areas.
As their skin tends towards the dry they will then move through to using a moisturiser for drier skin and applying less to the oil t zone.
Nature's Own Moisture Lotion for oiler skin
Moisture Cream with Bergamot for drier skin
Ultra Night Cream with Honey & Rosewood for night time 2 or 3 times a week.
Eye Cream with Calendula for every day care
Herbal Cleansing gel with Bergamot
Pick Me Ups & Treatments
Bergamot Facial Mist - use anytime throughout the day to boost humidity and uplift your mood
Facial Clay Mask Powder with Sandalwood & Oats - A once a week treat to help refine and tighten skin
Moisturising Facial Scrub with Organic Clays - Use once or twice a week to keep your skin looking vital and youthful

Anit-Ageing SkinCare System - why is it so effective?
When formulating the two products in the Anti Ageing SkinCare System (the BioNutrient Facial Gel and Age Defying Serum), Leonie scoured the world, read countless scientific research, clinical trials and actual case histories and selected the most effective natural, anti-ageing compounds available and combined them is these two precious formulations.You see, in combination these two products provide effective quantities of 16 water and oil soluble, clinically proven anti ageing ingredients.

Anti-Ageing Skincare- New Packaging- Even Better Value
If you're a fan of our Anti-Ageing Skin Care System...and so many of our moonies are... you're just going to love our new glass packaging.
New Packaging- Even Better Value
Even better valueNot only does it look good...but we've given you even more Gel (50ml instead of 30ml) and Serum (20ml instead of 15ml) at no extra cost.
PLUS we've chosen to upgrade to a more reliable dropper style dispenser.So its WIN -WIN all round.

Anti-Ageing Skincare - How To's, Hints & Tips
Frequency: At Moon Haven we recommend that the use of the Age defying System would be beneficial for all skin types. For those aged under 30 then once a week should be sufficient.
Then as we age the frequency can be increased.
For example many on their 40's, 50's and beyond get fantastic results when they use it every night.

SOS - 3 Top Tips Caring for Summer Skin
Without help over summer, you run the risk of not only dry, wrinkled and aged skin but you run the significant risk of developing skin damage and cancer.
Here are three vital steps to help keep your skin in the best shape it can be in over these warm summer months.

Is it really Acne? or could it be Papulopustular or Inflammatory Rosacea?
Evey now and then we get a franctic phone call from one of our moonies telling us that our hugely poplular and very effective Acne Action Pack was not helping their skin... and in fact using it was making it worse!!!!
When this fisrst happenend many years ago Leonie - moon haven's founder, immediately dropped everything and arranged to meet our happless client to see exactly what was going on with her skin.
Pauplopustular Rosacea
And the answer was pretty obvious...but only to Leonie's trained eye.
Our gorgeous moonie was not suffering from Acne vulgaris (common acne) but a severe case of rosacea.

Acne Beating Breakout Serum - How do you use it?
It is important to understand that Breakout Serum is extremely potent in he fight against acne. It is chock full of full strength antibacterial and anti inflammatory essential oils. Oils that we wouldn't normally recommend that you use undiluted on your skin because it may irritate normal skin.
Yet it is this powerful action that is so beneficial in the fight against acne.

I was about 14 and had a severe case of acne. Nothing helped I tried everything literally, EVERYTHING!
Finally about 4 weeks ago, I went to @moonhavennatural and found their Acne Action worked!I’m finally brave enough to go out in public without makeup which I haven’t done in 6 years! I can’t thank Leonie at Moon Haven enough, without you I would of accepted the fact I’d have pimples the rest of my life!

Don't you just love a good scrub?
This salty scrub is one of my favourites.
It makes my skin glow with health and vitality and the spicey scent trail it leaves is simply delicious. 💙