But there are a couple of "Do'"s and "Definite Do Nots" to follow.
Extremely Potent
Firstly it is important to understand that Breakout Serum is extremely potent. It is chock full of full strength antibacterial and anti inflammatory essential oils. Oils that we wouldn't normally recommend that you use undiluted on your skin because it may irritate normal skin.
For this reason, it is important to only apply our Breakout Serum directly and sparingly to the targeted pimples.
Don't Pick Your Zits... but if you do...
We know it is a normal human trait to pick our zits...it is extremely difficult to resist the urge to pop a white head or pus filled pimple.... so if you can't resist then remember to apply Breakout Serum to each pimple as soon as possible.
How to use:
So how do you use this magical serum?
Just add one drop of breakout serum to a cotton bud. Apply to up to 4 individual pimples Repeat morning and night.
Remember, DO NOT APPLY the serum to large areas of the face as it can challenge already sensitised skin.
This serum is perfect for helping reduce scarring and inflammation when picking pimples!
So that's it. Simple effective and skin saving solution for reducing the nastiness of acne.
When used in combination with our other Acne Action Pack products you should find that your acne will rapidly clear up leaving normal healthy skin.