Articles & Resources

Menopause -  Essential Oil Helpers

Menopause - Essential Oil Helpers

Aromatherapy can be so helpful when times get tough.  Amazing Essential Oil Helpers for Menopausehe aromatherapy world has some wonderful menopause helpers.  Some of the most noted are :Clary Sage, Peppermint...
Managing Anxiety – Try This Powerful Technique

Managing Anxiety – Try This Powerful Technique

Anxiety is a very real issue in today's society. Check out Moon Haven's "How To" video demonstrating Leonie's simple but highly effective technique that has helped hundreds manage their anxiety.
SOS - 3 Top Tips Caring for Summer Skin

SOS - 3 Top Tips Caring for Summer Skin

Without help over summer, you run the risk of not only dry, wrinkled and aged skin but you run the significant risk of developing skin damage and cancer. Here are three vital steps to help keep your skin in the best shape it can be in over these warm summer months.
Save Your Skin, Don’t Use Body Wash

Save Your Skin, Don’t Use Body Wash

For many people a body wash suits them just fine.  BUT for a large percentage of people we see at the moon haven cottage it is their body wash and liquid soaps that are causing all manner of skin ailments, itches and pain.
Download the Eczema & Psoriasis Natural Treatment Fact Sheet

Download the Eczema & Psoriasis Natural Treatment Fact Sheet

                         Eczema & Psoriasis Psoriasis and eczema are the two most common skin conditions that we see at Moon Haven.Same, Same But DifferentWhile both are very different conditions the basic treatment is very similar.  It revolves around keeping the skin moisturised, soothed and avoiding irritation. Download our treatment fact sheet  for  information on our suggested regime and product recommendations.                               And of course we have a wonderful Eczema and Psoriasis Treatment Pack for those who need some heavy duty assistance! If you'd like more information or would like to discuss these conditions with our aromatherapist, please send us a message on facebook messenger ( call us on 1800 005 059.  We're here to help.      
DIY Chest Rub Blend

DIY Chest Rub Blend

And for those that are suffering ... well Leonie has put together this simple but highly effective recipe you can use as a chest rub should you or your family succumb.

Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet

Want to know how many drops of essential oil you need in a massage oil? what essential oils to avoid in pregnancy can you safely ingest essential oils? what oils are photosentising? how do you make a simple room spray> etc etc Then download our Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet. With loads of simple information, cautions, methods and recipes this fact sheet is what Leonie, our clinical aromatherapist and founder, considers to be the essential knowledge every person using essential oils should know.
The 3 Simple But Vital Rules for Treating Adult Acne (or Acne at Any Age!)

The 3 Simple But Vital Rules for Treating Adult Acne (or Acne at Any Age!)

As you know at Moon Haven we are always look for the simplest, natural and most effective way to deal with different conditions. And of course our approach to treating acne is no different. Our 3 simple but vital rules for treating acne are as follows...

When Can You Use The Labour of Love Essential Oils in Pregnancy?

Yes ... You can use our Labour of Love Essential Oils - Prelude and In The Moment)anytime during pregnancy, birth and beyond. They're safe... designed especially for you at this amazing time in you and your family's life. We recommend using the Prelude essential oil blend when you want to relax and the In The Moment essential oil blend when you are wanting more energy and inspiration.. This also helps if you feel a bit nauseous or just flagging and tired.
10 Ways to Use Thieves Oil Blend

10 Ways to Use Thieves Oil Blend

if you would like to make your own Thieves Oil blend, here is a simple 5 oil recipe that you can make at home plus we give you 10 effective ways you can use it to benefit family and friends

Rose Geranium Oil – Recipes, Properties & More

Rose Geranium Oil is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic ,detoxifying, and it has the wondrous ability to balance all skin types making it one of the premier anti-ageing essential oils.

Hints & Tips – How to Clear Your Sinuses Naturally

3 very effective DIY ways to use these essential oils to soothe your sinuses using the aromatherapy sinus big guns - Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oils

Essential Oils for Snoring

If your partner’s snoring is stopping you from getting a good night’s sleep then we have some great news for you. Snoring can lead to significant health and emotional issues It has been found that snoring is one of the primary reasons that spouses sleep apart. For a couple who have spent many years together [...]

What’s Better Than Lavender Oil for Study and Exam Stress? You’ll be surprised by the results

DON'T USE Lavender Oil when studying you'll be too relaxed and you'll have a harder time retaining your learnings Lavender is best reserved for times when you want to relax DO USE Rosemary Oil when studying to help remember your material later

Moon Haven Hints & Tips: Make Your Own Chest Rub

Easy-to-make chest rub using Moon Haven Essential Oils I remember when I was little my grandma, who lived with us,  getting out the chest rub at the first sign of a sniffly nose or cough. Out would come the stay-in-bed-books and puzzles, the warm cups of milo and the jar of eucalyptus based [...]