Hints & Tips – How to Clear Your Sinuses Naturally

How to Clear Your Sinuses Naturally

How to Clear Your Sinuses Naturally

You know the feeling.  You can’t breathe through your nose, your head is aching so intensely it feels like it is going to explode and nothing seems to be able to give you any relief.

Time to call in the aromatherapy big guns for sinus relief – Eucalyptus and Peppermint Essential Oils

Both these oils will help to

  • reduce the inflammation of the mucous membranes,
  • liquefy the mucous within the sinuses (sounds disgusting doesn’t it …  but as we say its better out than in!)
  • calm the mucous membranes so that they produce less mucous
  • open up the airways to allow for easier breathing

How to Soothe Your Sinuses

Here are 3 very effective ways to use these essential oils to soothe your sinuses:

  1. Essential Oil Infused Warm Compress on the Face
  2. Steaming Hot Shower with Essential Oils
  3. Sinus Steam Bath

Essential Oil Infused Warm Facial Compress

This method is one of the easiest ways to help clear a block sinus.

You need:

Clean Washcloth
1 drop only Eucalyptus oil
Your Bathroom Sink

What to do:

  1. Half fill your bathroom basin with hot water from the tap. Make sure it is not too hot…you want to be able to comfortably put your hands in the water.
  2. Place the Eucalyptus  essential oil in the water and swish around
  3. Soak the washcloth in the hot water and wring out. Make sure that the cloth isn’t too hot for your skin
  4. Lay down on on a couch or bed and place the WARM (not hot) washcloth over your nose and mouth (you can cover your face as long as the washcloth is fairly dry and you keep your eyes closed.
  5. Breathe through the washcloth until it cools
  6. Repeat as required.
  7. Have tissues at the ready!

Steaming Hot Shower with Essential Oils

At the first sign of a head cold I head for the shower! Do this for an easy, effective way to clear your sinuses.

Clear sinuses in the shower with essential oilsYou need:

3 drops Eucalyptus Oil
3 drops Peppermint Oil

Shower with plenty of hot water

What to do:

  1. Turn on the shower and step in.
  2. Make the shower as hot as you you are comfortable with
  3. Get a good steam up in the shower
  4. Place the essential oils on the base of the shower away from the drain – you don’t want them washing away immediately!
  5. Breathe in the steam as it mixes with the essential oils.

To increase the effectiveness of this method make sure you close the bathroom door, any windows and don’t turn on the extractor fan.  We want as much steam as possible!

The Steam Bath –  Aromatherapy Sinus Relief Big Guns

If all else has failed then  a good facial steaming will often clear stubborn, blocked sinuses.

A word of caution though.  This method involves boiling water, strong essential oil vapors and lots of steam. So great care is needed.

I wouldn’t recommend using this method with children or those with low blood pressure.

DIY Sinus Steam Bath Ingredients

You need:

Wash Basin
Boiling Water
1 drop Eucalyptus Oil
1 drop Peppermint Oil
1 drop Tea Tree Oil
Large Towel
Glass of water

What to do:

  1. Find a stable table where you can sit at comfortably with your head over the basin
  2. Place the basin on the table and fill with about 2 litres of freshly boiled water
  3. Add the essential oils to the water
  4. Carefully position your face over the rising steam at least 30 cm (12 inches)above  the basin.
    Make sure that the steam is not too hot and please do close your eyes as you don’t want to expose them to the essential oil vapours.
  5. For added effectiveness and only if the steam isn’t too hot for you drape the  towel over your head and basin like a tent.
  6. Breathe in the vapours for as long as it is comfortable.
  7. Take a breath of fresh air as and when you need it.
  8. Stop the treatment immediately if you feel light headed or faint.
  9. Immediately after the steam bath drink a glass of water to help re-hydrate and regulate the body.

 Make It Yourself Chest Rub

Easy-to-make chest rub using Moon Haven Essential Oils

Easy-to-make chest rub using Moon Haven Essential Oils

Check out our Make It Yourself Chest Rub recipe.  Its easy to make especially if you already have our Aromatherapy Starter Pack.

This article was written by Moon Haven’s aromatherapist and founder Leonie Gully.

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While any advice provided is general in nature, it is not intended to replace medical diagnosis or treatment.  If you are at all concerned about your condition it is important that you do consult your medical practitioner of choice for an individual treatment plan.

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