To help reinforce this habit I try to go for my walk at the same time each day. For me that is in the late afternoon in Summer when the air is cool but its still light outside. I set a reminder a few minutes in advance so I can prepare and get my mind in the right zone.
I make sure my walking gear is in one place and easy to get to.
Lastly, I don't beat myself up mentally if I miss a day. I appreciate that new habits take time to become habitual. I've given myself 4 weeks to make this new habit routine.
I'd love to hear how you get on.
Warmest regards
Leonie of moon haven
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"Olfactory conditioning of positive performance in humans"
Simon Chu
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis -Volume 57, 2009 - Issue 2:184-197 Epub: 2010 Oct 27
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Eitan G. Abramowitz & Pesach Lichtenberg