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What is your Skin Type? Take our Skin-Type Test
What is Your Skin Type?
It’s confusing, right?
Choosing the right skin care starts with knowing your skin type.
Sounds simple?
And it is… if you know how to determine what skin classification you fall into. And that’s where its easy to get a little lost. There is just so much advice and so many opinions out there, it’s easy to become confused and uncertain.
That’s why we’ve put together this simple “how to guide “ helping you to identify where you stand in the skin care stakes. By breaking it down into simple categories and steps you’ll have your skin care type identified. From there your skincare system choices are straightforward.
Did you know that there are only 3 different skin types?
Despite what the so called experts, influencers and sellers of cosmetics may try and tell you - there are only 3 true skin types –
Dry, Oily and Combination.
Acne, sensitivity and hormonal breakouts do not determine your skin type.
Conditions like acne, rosacea, hormonal breakouts and sensitivity are issues that can happen to any skin .
These conditions can come and go no matter what type of skin you have.
(If you suffer from any of these issues -jump into chat with us or leave a message and we can talk you through how to deal with them effectively and easily.)
Take the Skin-Type Test
Now that we know that there are only three skin types it’s a fairly easy process to decide which type you have.
Of course your skin classification can change over time. Most skin tends to dry out as we age . So don’t be surprised if you find that your once oily or combination skin changes to dry as you mature.
1. Wash Your Face
To start, wash your face with a gentle milk cleanser – (something like our Herbal Cleansing Milk with Rose Geranium) then gently pat it dry.
Note do not use a foaming facial wash or anything that creates bubbles on the face as these will artificially dry your skin and likely give you a false result.
2. Wait 30 minutes
After 30 minutes look at your skin in the mirror under good lighting.
Note how your skin looks, as well as how it feels.
3. Evaluate the Results
Now lets looks at the different skin types and see where you fit in.
Dry, Dull Looking Skin?
If your skin looks dull – feels dry – even tight in places, then you more than likely have dry skin
Shiny All Over?
If your skin looks shiny all over and feels comfortable without any areas that feel tight or look dull, then you more than likely have oily skin.
Dry Cheeks with a Shiny T-Zone?
If your cheeks look and feel dry and your T-Zone (forehead, nose and chin) are tending towards shiny/oily then you more than likely have what we would call combination skin.
Always seek qualified medical advice regarding your own individual situation
Please note: Information in this article and on the moonhaven.com.au website represents the opinion of the author and as such is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
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Moon Haven.