Articles & Resources

miy scented drawer liners

MIY - Scented Drawer Liners

These Scented Drawer Liners are so easy to make and are fantastic gifts for almost everyone.   Why not make a set for a teenagers sports sock drawer (phewww) the linen closet to scent your sheets and towels or the classic scented drawer liner for underwear, negligees and lacy bits?
Blending Basics: 3 Oil Blend Worksheet

Blending Basics: 3 Oil Blend Worksheet

Watch this video to learn our simple but effective method for creating an essential oil blend using our "3 Oil Blend worksheet "using the Nose Knows method No need to learn complicated formulas or learn the properties of oils ...just follow your nose.
Blending Basics: The Nose Knows Essential Oil Blending Method

Blending Basics: The Nose Knows Essential Oil Blending Method

Watch this video to learn this simple but effective method for blending essential oils that suit you and your nose! No need to learn complicated formulas or learn the properties of oils ...just follow your nose. Leonie - moon haven's aromatherapist - has produced this series of videos to help make using essential oils simple and easy to understand.  
MIY - Warming Muscle Rub Blend

MIY - Warming Muscle Rub Blend

There are two main  approaches to dealing with muscle and body pain Soothe, calm and reduce inflammation - this is the approach taken with Moon Haven's St John's Wort & Calendula Rub Counter-irritate the area, excite the muscles and in turn, confuse the pain signals in the nerves to register something other than pain.This is the way liniments and mentholated sports rubs tend to work. And we agree - there are times when a counterirritant, warming muscle rub like this can be comforting. This easy to make formulation is wonderful to use on old stubborn injuries and muscle pain.     There are 3 Essential Oils that do this well: Ginger Pure Essential Oil's warming and anti-inflammatory qualities help soothe tired, aching muscles and joints.     Eucalyptus Essential Oil is noted for its analgesic properties ( helps to relieve pain) , as well as for its ability to assist with congestion and respiratory issuesInterestingly, eucalyptus leaves were used by indigenous Australians as a poultice to help relieve the muscle and joint pain of arthritis.   Peppermint Pure Essential Oil (Mentha arvensis) is a wonderful oil to use in a muscle rub as it contains around 80% menthol. Menthol is known as a counterirritant. It works by causing the skin to feel cool and then warm. These feelings on the skin distract you from feeling the aches/pains deeper in your muscles and joints.    Combining all three essential oils into one rub makes for a very potent concoction.Here is a suggested formula to make at home. Warming Muscle Rub Blend In a 50 ml glass bottle mix: 10 drops Ginger Essential Oil8 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil8 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil Top up with Fractionated Coconut Oil. How to use: Massage a few drops into the affected area. Apply as often as needed Don't forget to wash your hands immediately after  - You really wouldn't want any of this blend to get into and delicate areas. In case of irritation:Of course if you experience any burning or discomfort immediately wipe any excess product off your skin and dilute the area with any edible oil you have on hand. You can use any carrier oil, cooking oil you have on hand.   Want to know more? Just click the Messenger button in the right hand corner of this page to ask a question or get more information - if we're logged in you may even get an answer straight away...otherwise we'll get back to you as soon as we are back online.. Always seek qualified medical advice regarding your own individual situation Please note: Information in this article and on the website represents the opinion of the author and as such is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.      
DIY - Blend of the Month - Sweet Feet Shoe Deodoriser Blend

DIY - Blend of the Month - Sweet Feet Shoe Deodoriser Blend

Which comes first stinky feet or the stinky shoes? Perhaps they work together to make for a very unpleasant foot odour experience. Thankfully this simple recipe is brilliant at combatting smelly shoes and in turn helps to limit the issue of whiffy feet.
DIY Blend of the Month - Feminine Balance Blend

DIY Blend of the Month - Feminine Balance Blend

make this very feminine blend to help soothe women during times of hormonal imbalance. diffuse or make your very own pulse point potion
DIY: Here & Now Diffuser Blend - Grounding Comfort

DIY: Here & Now Diffuser Blend - Grounding Comfort

Being subject to mandates, stringent health rules and regulations can be tough. Add in very valid concerns and anxiety over the uncertainty before us, the possibility of becoming ill and how we will be able to deal with the fall out from the virus and many of us can go down the rabbit hole of what ifs and worst case scenarios. It's at times like these that diffusing a blend of Frankincense and Juniperberry Essential Oil can be so beneficial. Juniperberry & Frankincense Essential Oils Juniper berry is wonderfully calming, cantering and grounding. While Frankincense supports healthy mind function, promoting positive feelings and uplifts the mood. Combined these two essential oils provide a wonderfully potent blend that encourages realistic, grounded optimism. Something we all could do with more in our current situation. DIY: Here & Now Diffuser Blend 3 drops Frankincense essential oil 3 drops Juniperberry Essential Oil Add to your choice of diffuser. (Check out our Classic Ultrasonic Mist Diffuser) For best effect diffuse morning and night.. I just love walking into a room where this blend is in the air. It is so very comforting yet uplifting at the same time. Enjoy!
DIY- Dried Potpourri

DIY- Dried Potpourri

DIY- Dried Potpourri Traditional Dried Botanical Potpourri Grab a copy of our DIY Natural Potpourri Fact Sheet here  Gather together: To make 4 cups potpourri Essential oil of choice 1 litre of dried botanicals . Select from:  Bark, roots, seeds, leaves, herbs. Orange., lemon and other citrus peels Gums and resins like frankincense, myrrh, eucalyptus gum Spices, herbs eg lavender sprigs, star anise, cinnamon sticks, rosemary sprigs, vanilla bean pods etc Method: Dry your botanicals Dry any botanicals that are fresh or contain moisture using one of the following methods: - Place flowers bark etc on newspaper. Leave in a sheltered area that gets the sun over several days, turning daily until dry. - Place botanicals on a lined baking sheet in a very slow oven (around 100 -120C)  for several hours until all moisture has been removed. - Use an electric dehydrator to remove the moisture from the plant material. Re-use bunches of flowers: A lovely way to give new life to a wilting bunch of flowers is to make them into potpourri . Just tie the stems together with some string and hang them upside down in a bright airy space for a few weeks until fully dried out.  Putting it together Mix 5 ml of essential oil blend of choice into the botanicals.  Store in a large ziplock bag  for at least 2 days to allow the scent to permeate the potpourri. Place potpourri into bags, bowls or other suitable containers and place in room. Re-invigorate the potpourri by adding in 1 or 2 ml of essential oil as needed..  
Simmering Potpourri with Leonie of moon haven

DIY- Simmering Potpourri

There is nothing nicer on a cool winters evening than coming home filled with the scent of spices and autumnal fruits.   We can achieve this bysimmering a pot of sliced fruit mixed with spicesi on the stove, heater or slow cooker.  Once gently boiling away this pot of spicey goodness with fill your home and hearts with its comforting goodness.   Grab a copy of our DIY Natural Potpourri Fact Sheet here  What goes into a Simmering Potpourri? There are no hard and fast rules as to what tio include in your potpourri . it really depends on your own personal taste and sense of smell as to what goes into it. Some possibilities include: Cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, star anise, bay leaves,. citrus peel- orange /lemon /lime, apples – apple peel & cores are great, fresh ginger, vanilla bean, whole black peppercorns, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus leaves, chai tea spices (tea bags work fine), coffee beans   Method : : Choose a suitable pot to heat your simmering potpourri in.  e.g. small saucepan or pot to go on your wood heater, stove top or you can use a slow cooker if you prefer. Add your selection of ingredients to the pot.  Add at last 2 cups of water – more if your container can take it. Bring pot up to boiling point and reduce heat until a slow simmer. (Steam slowly coming off the surface. Leave uncovered to allow the scent to flow through your home.  Top up with water as required.  Replace the ingredients every 4 days - Place used goodies in the compost, they make wonderful food for your garden.  
DIY Blend of the Month - Elevate - A Mood Enhancing Essential Oil Blend

DIY Blend of the Month - Elevate - A Mood Enhancing Essential Oil Blend

Mood Enhancing Essential Oil Blend Frankincense is known for boosting energy and mood. Bergamot is known to help reduce anxiety and of course Lavender is famous for its relaxing qualities.
DIY Blend of the Month - Frankincense & Lemon Scar & Wrinkle Oil

DIY Blend of the Month - Frankincense & Lemon Scar & Wrinkle Oil

Frankincense & Lemon Scar & Wrinkle Oil A very simple recipe for a facial scar and wrinkle massage oil. Frankincense Oil is noted for its ability to help increase the production of new cell-sand the reduction of sun damage. Lemon oil is high in antioxidants and has been shown to reduce the presence of free radicals on skin.
DIY Chest Rub Blend

DIY Chest Rub Blend

And for those that are suffering ... well Leonie has put together this simple but highly effective recipe you can use as a chest rub should you or your family succumb.

Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet

Want to know how many drops of essential oil you need in a massage oil? what essential oils to avoid in pregnancy can you safely ingest essential oils? what oils are photosentising? how do you make a simple room spray> etc etc Then download our Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet. With loads of simple information, cautions, methods and recipes this fact sheet is what Leonie, our clinical aromatherapist and founder, considers to be the essential knowledge every person using essential oils should know.