Easy to make - lovely to use - wonderful to gift
Scented Drawer Liners

These Scented Drawer Liners are so easy to make and are fantastic gifts for almost everyone.
Why not make a set for a teenagers sports sock drawer (phewww) the linen closet to scent your sheets and towels or the classic scented drawer liner for underwear, negligees and lacy bits?
- Paper for lining drawers (choose colours and patterns to match the theme of the drawer)
- Essential oil scent of choice - again match the scent to the situation
- Water
- Measuring Tape
- Scissors
- Iron
- Spray Bottle

- Take measurements of the base of the drawer or shelf you wish to line.
- Add 2cms to each dimension (e.g. if drawer is 30cm wide and 40 cm long - cut your paper 32cm wide and 42 cm long).
- With iron set to a low temperature turn the lining paper over onto the non patterned side and gently iron the paper flat to remove any wrinkles or fold marks.
- Fold in the edges of the paper 1 cm on each side and iron again so that the creases hold in place.
- Add 40 drops of your choice of essential oil/s to 50 ml of water in a spray bottle. Shake to mix.
- Lightly spray the back of the ironed paper and allow to dry. Repeat if you'd like a stronger fragrance
- Pace paper in bottom of the drawer or shelf.
Gift Giving Idea:
Make a number of different liners with the same scent - roll up and secure with a ribbon.
Makes a lovely present!