Articles & Resources

Blending Basics: 3 Oil Blend Worksheet

Blending Basics: 3 Oil Blend Worksheet

Watch this video to learn our simple but effective method for creating an essential oil blend using our "3 Oil Blend worksheet "using the Nose Knows method No need to learn complicated formulas or learn the properties of oils ...just follow your nose.
Blending Basics: The Nose Knows Essential Oil Blending Method

Blending Basics: The Nose Knows Essential Oil Blending Method

Watch this video to learn this simple but effective method for blending essential oils that suit you and your nose! No need to learn complicated formulas or learn the properties of oils ...just follow your nose. Leonie - moon haven's aromatherapist - has produced this series of videos to help make using essential oils simple and easy to understand.  
Menopause -  Essential Oil Helpers

Menopause - Essential Oil Helpers

Aromatherapy can be so helpful when times get tough.  Amazing Essential Oil Helpers for Menopausehe aromatherapy world has some wonderful menopause helpers.  Some of the most noted are :Clary Sage, Peppermint...
DIY Blend of the Month - Feminine Balance Blend

DIY Blend of the Month - Feminine Balance Blend

make this very feminine blend to help soothe women during times of hormonal imbalance. diffuse or make your very own pulse point potion
DIY: Here & Now Diffuser Blend - Grounding Comfort

DIY: Here & Now Diffuser Blend - Grounding Comfort

Being subject to mandates, stringent health rules and regulations can be tough. Add in very valid concerns and anxiety over the uncertainty before us, the possibility of becoming ill and how we will be able to deal with the fall out from the virus and many of us can go down the rabbit hole of what ifs and worst case scenarios. It's at times like these that diffusing a blend of Frankincense and Juniperberry Essential Oil can be so beneficial. Juniperberry & Frankincense Essential Oils Juniper berry is wonderfully calming, cantering and grounding. While Frankincense supports healthy mind function, promoting positive feelings and uplifts the mood. Combined these two essential oils provide a wonderfully potent blend that encourages realistic, grounded optimism. Something we all could do with more in our current situation. DIY: Here & Now Diffuser Blend 3 drops Frankincense essential oil 3 drops Juniperberry Essential Oil Add to your choice of diffuser. (Check out our Classic Ultrasonic Mist Diffuser) For best effect diffuse morning and night.. I just love walking into a room where this blend is in the air. It is so very comforting yet uplifting at the same time. Enjoy!
DIY Blend of the Month - Elevate - A Mood Enhancing Essential Oil Blend

DIY Blend of the Month - Elevate - A Mood Enhancing Essential Oil Blend

Mood Enhancing Essential Oil Blend Frankincense is known for boosting energy and mood. Bergamot is known to help reduce anxiety and of course Lavender is famous for its relaxing qualities.
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

There is no international or even nationally recognised reputable organisation which classifies or even certifies essential oils used in Aromatherapy practice as being of therapeutic grade.
DIY Chest Rub Blend

DIY Chest Rub Blend

And for those that are suffering ... well Leonie has put together this simple but highly effective recipe you can use as a chest rub should you or your family succumb.
Why are Moon Haven's essential oil prices so reasonable?

Why are Moon Haven's essential oil prices so reasonable?

Every day we're asked "Why are Moon Haven's essential oil prices so reasonable?"and it's often followed by ... "so does that mean your quality is not as good as XXXX or YYYY brands?"Nothing could be further from the truth. The biggest factor in our affordable prices is not quality (our oils a 100% pure and unadulterated - just as nature intended- check out or posts on essential oil purity for more info) it's the fact that we aren't a huge multinational Multi Level Marketing (MLM) company. You see MLMs have to inflate their prices so that they can pay their representatives as well their "uplines" a significant portion of the profits. They also have to cover  the cost of marketing and training, as well as meeting the company's profit expectations. We're a small family business At moon haven, we're a small family business.  Our marketing costs are minuscule, we don't advertise on a grand scale - we rely mainly on you and all our moonies spreading the word about what we do.besides our need for making a profit is modest - we're a family and we work together to serve our moonies (that's you!).  ❤️ It's our passion ❤️ Yes, we are truly passionate about helping people and love making our "moonies" lives better and more comfortable.  That's a huge part of our reward.. essential oils should be affordable Part of our philosophy is that 100% pure, natural, beautiful quality essential oils shouldn't break the bank. We want you to be able to use your oils every day and not be concerned about the cost.   While we also need to make a profit, our needs are modest compared to the larger corporations and so we can afford to pass on the quality and savings to you. ❤️  
Nightmares & Night Terrors: The Essential Oil That Banishes Your Child's Dream Demons

Nightmares & Night Terrors: The Essential Oil That Banishes Your Child's Dream Demons

Yesterday Rachel came to the moon haven cottage to pick up her "go to"  essential oil she uses to help her 6 yr old combat her frequent night terrors.

Oils Ain’t Oils – Pure and Standardised Essential Oils

A pure, natural essential oil is just that…the extract of the volatile, aromatic compounds from botanical material by any of a variety of extraction methods and processes. The differences arise when we talk about how the oil is handled and formulated after extraction. There are two distinctly different types of essential oils on the market today. Pure and Standardised

The Perfect Introduction to Aromatherapy – Moon Haven’s Aromatherapy Starter Pack

The Perfect Introduction to the Wonders of Aromatherapy In this video, Leonie shows us how to make the most of the eight essential oils in Moon Haven's Aromatherapy Starter Pack. She also demonstrates how to make an uplifting EO blend for your bath and why its imperative to use milk when you [...]