Articles & Resources

Is it really Acne? or could it be Papulopustular or Inflammatory Rosacea?
Evey now and then we get a franctic phone call from one of our moonies telling us that our hugely poplular and very effective Acne Action Pack was not helping their skin... and in fact using it was making it worse!!!!
When this fisrst happenend many years ago Leonie - moon haven's founder, immediately dropped everything and arranged to meet our happless client to see exactly what was going on with her skin.
Pauplopustular Rosacea
And the answer was pretty obvious...but only to Leonie's trained eye.
Our gorgeous moonie was not suffering from Acne vulgaris (common acne) but a severe case of rosacea.

Acne Beating Breakout Serum - How do you use it?
It is important to understand that Breakout Serum is extremely potent in he fight against acne. It is chock full of full strength antibacterial and anti inflammatory essential oils. Oils that we wouldn't normally recommend that you use undiluted on your skin because it may irritate normal skin.
Yet it is this powerful action that is so beneficial in the fight against acne.

I was about 14 and had a severe case of acne. Nothing helped I tried everything literally, EVERYTHING!
Finally about 4 weeks ago, I went to @moonhavennatural and found their Acne Action worked!I’m finally brave enough to go out in public without makeup which I haven’t done in 6 years! I can’t thank Leonie at Moon Haven enough, without you I would of accepted the fact I’d have pimples the rest of my life!

The 3 Simple But Vital Rules for Treating Adult Acne (or Acne at Any Age!)
As you know at Moon Haven we are always look for the simplest, natural and most effective way to deal with different conditions. And of course our approach to treating acne is no different. Our 3 simple but vital rules for treating acne are as follows...
Keratosis Pilaris – Those annoying bumps on your upper arms and legs
Keratosis Pilaris – Those annoying bumps on your upper arms and legs This morning I received an email from Nicole asking for advice on a condition that affects up to 50% of the adult population (and up to 80% of adolescents). Keratosis pilaris (KP) affects up to 80% of all adolescents and 505 of [...]