Articles & Resources

Essential Oils for Snoring

If your partner’s snoring is stopping you from getting a good night’s sleep then we have some great news for you. Snoring can lead to significant health and emotional issues It has been found that snoring is one of the primary reasons that spouses sleep apart. For a couple who have spent many years together [...]

What’s Better Than Lavender Oil for Study and Exam Stress? You’ll be surprised by the results

DON'T USE Lavender Oil when studying you'll be too relaxed and you'll have a harder time retaining your learnings Lavender is best reserved for times when you want to relax DO USE Rosemary Oil when studying to help remember your material later

Moon Haven Hints & Tips: Make Your Own Chest Rub

Easy-to-make chest rub using Moon Haven Essential Oils I remember when I was little my grandma, who lived with us,  getting out the chest rub at the first sign of a sniffly nose or cough. Out would come the stay-in-bed-books and puzzles, the warm cups of milo and the jar of eucalyptus based [...]