Articles & Resources

Menopause -  Essential Oil Helpers

Menopause - Essential Oil Helpers

Aromatherapy can be so helpful when times get tough.  Amazing Essential Oil Helpers for Menopausehe aromatherapy world has some wonderful menopause helpers.  Some of the most noted are :Clary Sage, Peppermint...
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

There is no international or even nationally recognised reputable organisation which classifies or even certifies essential oils used in Aromatherapy practice as being of therapeutic grade.
Sunburn Soother

Sunburn Soother

Aloe Vera for your sunburnt skin Unfortunately it's a fact of life. Most of us will get a touch too much sun at some point in our exitence. Burning, stinging, sensitised sunburnt skin can be so uncomfortable. Thankfully mother nature has a wonderful skin soother at hand. Aloe Vera is natures first aid for sunburn. Every household should have a plant at the ready. Just break a bit of fleshy leaf off the plant and apply the gooey inner gel from the centre of the leaf and gently smoothe it over your sunburn. Of course, do seek medical advice if the sunburn is severe or covers extensive areas of your body. After Sun Gel Of course if you don't want to go to the trouble of keeping and Aloe Vera plant you can always use our After Sun Gel. We've formulated Moon Haven's after sun with organic aloe vera gel as well as harnessing the soothing anti-inflammatory properties of calendula, roman chamomile and french lavender. Keep it in the fridge for a truly skin soothing experience.

Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet

Want to know how many drops of essential oil you need in a massage oil? what essential oils to avoid in pregnancy can you safely ingest essential oils? what oils are photosentising? how do you make a simple room spray> etc etc Then download our Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet. With loads of simple information, cautions, methods and recipes this fact sheet is what Leonie, our clinical aromatherapist and founder, considers to be the essential knowledge every person using essential oils should know.

Oils Ain’t Oils – Pure and Standardised Essential Oils

A pure, natural essential oil is just that…the extract of the volatile, aromatic compounds from botanical material by any of a variety of extraction methods and processes. The differences arise when we talk about how the oil is handled and formulated after extraction. There are two distinctly different types of essential oils on the market today. Pure and Standardised

Moon Haven Essential Oil Uses, Dilutions and Properties

aromatherapy basics... what to use, how to use and why Aromatherapy Basics   What is an oil... what to use... how much to use... Aromatherapy has proven to be highly successful in assisting people in many situations over the ages. From relieving the symptoms of stress,  helping to calm a restless family to [...]