Articles & Resources

Soothing Body Pain - Boost the effectiveness of our muscle rub

Soothing Body Pain - Boost the effectiveness of our muscle rub

SOOTHE YOUR BODY PAIN Boost the effectiveness of your St John's Wort & Calendula Rub (SJWAC) with our Achy Breaky Essential Oil BlendThe addition of an essential oil booster can help improve the sense of relaxation and comfort in the body when used with our already effective St John's Wort & Calendula Rub.
DIY Blend of the Month - Frankincense & Lemon Scar & Wrinkle Oil

DIY Blend of the Month - Frankincense & Lemon Scar & Wrinkle Oil

Frankincense & Lemon Scar & Wrinkle Oil A very simple recipe for a facial scar and wrinkle massage oil. Frankincense Oil is noted for its ability to help increase the production of new cell-sand the reduction of sun damage. Lemon oil is high in antioxidants and has been shown to reduce the presence of free radicals on skin.

NEW Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide

Grab you copy of the Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide NEW Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide Hot off the press... from Leonie's keyboard... is our latest Fact Sheet - Moon Haven's Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide. This simple guide will explain: How you can use essential oils in your life...everyday The different application methods- from bath [...]