Articles & Resources

DIY Blend of the Month - Feminine Balance Blend

DIY Blend of the Month - Feminine Balance Blend

make this very feminine blend to help soothe women during times of hormonal imbalance. diffuse or make your very own pulse point potion
MIY Make It Yourself - Mind Soothing - Skin Smoothing Salt Scrub

MIY Make It Yourself - Mind Soothing - Skin Smoothing Salt Scrub

I love making salt scrubs at home. Firstly they're so easy to put together. A good quality salt - finely ground is best - some low scent cooking oil and essential oils of your choice and voila - you have your very own home-made exfoliant. Salt also has deeply detoxifying properties: Its trace minerals are natural purifiers that draw out pore-clogging toxins and relieve congestion.

Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet

Want to know how many drops of essential oil you need in a massage oil? what essential oils to avoid in pregnancy can you safely ingest essential oils? what oils are photosentising? how do you make a simple room spray> etc etc Then download our Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet. With loads of simple information, cautions, methods and recipes this fact sheet is what Leonie, our clinical aromatherapist and founder, considers to be the essential knowledge every person using essential oils should know.

Moon Haven Hints & Tips: Make Your Own Chest Rub

Easy-to-make chest rub using Moon Haven Essential Oils I remember when I was little my grandma, who lived with us,  getting out the chest rub at the first sign of a sniffly nose or cough. Out would come the stay-in-bed-books and puzzles, the warm cups of milo and the jar of eucalyptus based [...]