Articles & Resources

Blending Basics: 3 Oil Blend Worksheet

Blending Basics: 3 Oil Blend Worksheet

Watch this video to learn our simple but effective method for creating an essential oil blend using our "3 Oil Blend worksheet "using the Nose Knows method No need to learn complicated formulas or learn the properties of oils ...just follow your nose.
Blending Basics: The Nose Knows Essential Oil Blending Method

Blending Basics: The Nose Knows Essential Oil Blending Method

Watch this video to learn this simple but effective method for blending essential oils that suit you and your nose! No need to learn complicated formulas or learn the properties of oils ...just follow your nose. Leonie - moon haven's aromatherapist - has produced this series of videos to help make using essential oils simple and easy to understand.  
Managing Anxiety – Try This Powerful Technique

Managing Anxiety – Try This Powerful Technique

Anxiety is a very real issue in today's society. Check out Moon Haven's "How To" video demonstrating Leonie's simple but highly effective technique that has helped hundreds manage their anxiety.

The Perfect Introduction to Aromatherapy – Moon Haven’s Aromatherapy Starter Pack

The Perfect Introduction to the Wonders of Aromatherapy In this video, Leonie shows us how to make the most of the eight essential oils in Moon Haven's Aromatherapy Starter Pack. She also demonstrates how to make an uplifting EO blend for your bath and why its imperative to use milk when you [...]

Scent of MR Video

Handmade Lemon Myrtle Soap - Scent of Margaret River G'day Guys, I am Chris from Moon Haven  and I'm the Soap Master here.  I've been making soap for about 7 years now. Today we're going to be talking about the Scent of Margaret River.  It's a nice citrus blend, it's our most [...]