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Download the Eczema & Psoriasis Natural Treatment Fact Sheet
Eczema & Psoriasis
Psoriasis and eczema are the two most common skin conditions that we see at Moon Haven.Same, Same But DifferentWhile both are very different conditions the basic treatment is very similar. It revolves around keeping the skin moisturised, soothed and avoiding irritation.
Download our treatment fact sheet for information on our suggested regime and product recommendations.
And of course we have a wonderful Eczema and Psoriasis Treatment Pack for those who need some heavy duty assistance!
If you'd like more information or would like to discuss these conditions with our aromatherapist, please send us a message on facebook messenger ( call us on 1800 005 059. We're here to help.
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Then download our Aromatherapy Cheat Sheet.
With loads of simple information, cautions, methods and recipes this fact sheet is what Leonie, our clinical aromatherapist and founder, considers to be the essential knowledge every person using essential oils should know.
NEW Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide
Grab you copy of the Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide NEW Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide Hot off the press... from Leonie's keyboard... is our latest Fact Sheet - Moon Haven's Aromatherapy Quick Start Guide. This simple guide will explain: How you can use essential oils in your life...everyday The different application methods- from bath [...]