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DIY- Dried Potpourri

DIY- Dried Potpourri

DIY- Dried Potpourri Traditional Dried Botanical Potpourri Grab a copy of our DIY Natural Potpourri Fact Sheet here  Gather together: To make 4 cups potpourri Essential oil of choice 1 litre of dried botanicals . Select from:  Bark, roots, seeds, leaves, herbs. Orange., lemon and other citrus peels Gums and resins like frankincense, myrrh, eucalyptus gum Spices, herbs eg lavender sprigs, star anise, cinnamon sticks, rosemary sprigs, vanilla bean pods etc Method: Dry your botanicals Dry any botanicals that are fresh or contain moisture using one of the following methods: - Place flowers bark etc on newspaper. Leave in a sheltered area that gets the sun over several days, turning daily until dry. - Place botanicals on a lined baking sheet in a very slow oven (around 100 -120C)  for several hours until all moisture has been removed. - Use an electric dehydrator to remove the moisture from the plant material. Re-use bunches of flowers: A lovely way to give new life to a wilting bunch of flowers is to make them into potpourri . Just tie the stems together with some string and hang them upside down in a bright airy space for a few weeks until fully dried out.  Putting it together Mix 5 ml of essential oil blend of choice into the botanicals.  Store in a large ziplock bag  for at least 2 days to allow the scent to permeate the potpourri. Place potpourri into bags, bowls or other suitable containers and place in room. Re-invigorate the potpourri by adding in 1 or 2 ml of essential oil as needed..