Red Faced… Are You Permanently Embarrassed or is it Rosacea?

Rosacea – facial redness, irritation, burning sensations, even pimple like lumps and bumps

Download Moon Haven’s  Rosacea Fact Sheet here.

Do you have Rosacea?

  •  Red, burning cheeks or sensitised facial skin?
  • Redness gets worse if you drink a glass of wine, eat curry or go out into the sun or wind?
  • Redness looks like acne but the lumps and bumps are not pimples?
  • Would you classify your skin as ‘sensitive’?
  • Is finding skincare that doesn’t make your skin tingle or make your face feel like it is on fire almost impossible?

Rosacea (pronounced roh-ZAY-sha) is an extremely common skin condition afflicting around 5% of the population at any given time.

Rosacea has many forms and can present as everything from an occasional mild redness and dryness on the face – similar to a mild case of eczema – to a face full of acne-like eruptions over the whole face.

What can you do ?

At Moon Haven we help so many people suffering from varying degrees of rosacea.

You see the first step to taming the redness and sensitisation is to understandwhat rosacea is, what triggers or aggravates the condition and what are the best strategies for dealing with it.

What to avoid

Firstly we recommend you avoid anything that makes the rosacea worse…. for many people this could be avoiding spicy, hot food, alcohol, coffee, sun, wind, heavy exercise, in fact anything that reacts and causes the redness and discomfort to increase.  Each rosacea sufferer will have their own unique set of triggers.

Secondly we recommend finding a simple skin care regime that cools the skin and calms the reactiveness.

Moisturisation is the key

The primary aim is to moisturise the skin for we know that a well moisturise skin is far more resilient and less likely to ‘react’ to stimulants.
We then need to find a cleanser that doesn’t strip the natural oils from the skin.

No exfoliation

And lastly all sensitising skin care products and regimes must be avoided until the skin becomes more resilient. This includes drying toners, exfoliating treatments and masks.

Each case is individual so please do call us on FREECALL 1800 005 059 and we can talk you through some of the issues and possible solutions.

Products we recommend to help calm rosacea

Moisturiser: Natures Own Moisture Lotion with skin soothing Calendula and Chamomile or Moisturising Body Oil for advanced cases of Rosacea
Cleanser: Herbal Cleansing Milk with Rose Geranium
Skin Soother: Calendula Salve to help ease sore and red areas

Download the fact sheet

Click the link below to download a PDF copy of Moon Haven’s Rosacea Fact Sheet where you will find more information and guidelines for successfully managing this condition

Moon Haven’s Rosacea Fact Sheet



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