Make It Your Self
After a long day at work or play there is nothing more restoring than a long soak in a warm tub of scented goodness.
This make-it-yourself lavender milk bath soak will help you relax, unwind and renew.
This easy to make formula will help to soothe the body, hydrate your skin, and eases tension all while the aroma of lavender relaxes your mind.
Relaxing Lavender Milk Bath Soak
Makes enough for 2 good sized baths
- 1/4 cup bicarbonate of soda
- 20 drops lavender essential oil
- 3/4 cups powdered whole milk
- 2 tablespoons Lavender buds removed from the stems
Add the lavender essential oil to the bicarbonate of soda and whisk well to distribute evenly throughout.
Mix in the powdered milk and lavender buds.
Store in an airtight container.
Add half to the bath as it is filling.
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Always seek qualified medical advice regarding your own individual situation
Please note: Information in this article and on the moonhaven.com.au website represents the opinion of the author and as such is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may