How to Pay for your order with PayPal

PaypalAt Moon Haven you can pay for your purchases with your credit card online, you can phone us with your credit card details or you can pay with PayPal.




Due to the ability of PayPal to securely handle subscription payments this is the
only option available when you purchase our Anti-Ageing SkinCare System as an ongoing supply.

So why PayPal?

PayPal - Secure, Convenient and Guaranteed up to $20,000

PayPal – Secure, Convenient and Guaranteed up to $20,000 and if course Moon Haven Guarantees your Satisfaction …if not …  we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee for the full purchase price of the items ordered.

Creating a PayPal Account

If you wish to create a PayPal account you can do so right from our Checkout Pages.  There is no need to have an account set up first.

Just choose the PayPal payment option on the Moon Haven checkout page:

Choose the PayPal Payment option

You will be redirected to PayPal where you can log in to your PayPal account and complete your purchase.

If you don’t have a PayPal account click the create an account link or choose “Pay using your Credit or debit card” option.


And that’s it.  A simple, secure and convenient way to handle online payment purchases where you don’t have to hand over your credit card or bank account details over to an online seller.

At Moon Haven we always prefer to use PayPal or our National Australia Bank payment systems as it means that we do not have access to your credit card details at any time…making the payment process more secure for you.

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