7 Ways to Use Dreamy Lavender Room Spray

We thought our Dreamy Lavender Room Spray was great as a room spray...but you, our marvelous moonies, have told us that there is so much more you can use it for

Here are 7 of those ideas... What do you think? :

  1.  Linen Spray - Mist the Lavender spray over your sheets, towels and other linens as you fold and pack into the linen closet. Not only will it deter silver moths and their friends it will also stave off the musty scents that linens can acquire when put away on misty cupboards.
  2.  Toilet Deodoriser - Combat those noxious fumes in the toilet with a squirt of this multi talented spray straight into the toilet bowl.  It will help the toilet to remain sweet smelling throughout the as well as chilling out the occupants!
  3. Pet Bed Spray - Combat those shaggy dog and wet cat smells by spraying a little (not too much we don't want to overpower your pet's nose) of the Dreamy Lavender Room Spray on and around pet beds.  Your humans as well as you pets will appreciate the gesture.
  4. Kids Monster Spray - Children have amazing imaginations but at night they can get a little out of hand.  That's why we have a load of mums and dads who use our Dreamy Lavender Spray as "Monster Spray"  to help get rid of that monster lurking in the wardrobe or under the bed.  Of course the lavender essential oil will help ease young minds into a gentle sleep too.
  5. Office De-fuser - Spray  little Dreamy Lavender sprat in the office or workspace when tensions or stress are running high. It's amazing how a little lavender can help calm the workplace.  
  6. Sweet Dreams Spray - Spraying a Dreamy Lavender into the bedroom just before bed can help you to relax into sleep.  
  7. Room Spray - And of course, you can use the Dreamy Lavender Room Spray to do just that...spray into any living area to make the room smell sweet, as well as comfort and relax the occupants.

So you have any others ways you use our Dreamy Lavender Room Spray.  Let us know in the comments below.


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